Why The Inspection Boys?
At the Inspection Boys we pride ourselves on customer service. We do our best to create the best customer experience possible. All of our inspections include:
Inspection Boys 200% guarantee
Porch 90 Day Inspection Guarantee
The Home-Wizard app
$200 in Porch Handyman Coupons
Team Inspections
Reports Delivered within 24 hours
Multiple Inspectors on staff
Free termite inspection
Our inspectors follow a 2000 point checklist of items to inspect. Below is a list of items that will be covered in the home inspection. The inspections performed are be based on accessible and visible areas of the property on the day of the inspection. The inspection report will be generated within 24 hours of inspection along with the findings and evaluations of the dwelling. The report will have numerous photos to document the overall conditions and each photo will be delineated with commentary related to that photo.

Overall condition, type of roof covering, chimney and vent evaluation, skylight condition (if applicable) drainage system and pitch analysis. (additional items will be covered as applicable)

All accessible outlets will be checked for proper wiring and condition. GFCI outlets will be tested and inspected and reported if not present in appropriate areas. Proper exterior weather protection for GFCI outlets will be verified.
All accessible electrical and sub-panel covers will be removed and interior wiring evaluated. Brand, amperage and locations will be noted. Capacity will be evaluated and any interior deficiencies will be listed in the report.

The visible supply and waste pipes will be evaluated. The inspector will partially focus and pipe materials, condition, proper pipe supports, pipe insulation if applicable and deficiencies will be listed as discovered. Water supply shut-off will be noted and the main cleanout identified. Bathroom and kitchen faucets and fixtures will be tested for proper installation, condition, functional flow and drainage. Toilets will be tested for proper mounting and functionality. (Note: all bathrooms will be evaluated as a separate category as other components aside from plumbing are present)

The heating and cooling components will be evaluated for brand, type, date of manufacture and current condition. The heating system (furnace/boiler) will be activated by thermostat controls and all accessible heating elements will be measured for proper heat output. Note: due to seasonality, the air conditioning can not be tested, however the exterior and interior units will be checked for condition, proper installation, proper electrical disconnect(s) and refrigerant line insulation and condition.

The interior evaluation covers the condition of all visible walls, floors, ceilings, trim, doors, windows (type, condition and functionality) baseboards, regisiters, stairways, smoke detection, lighting, switches, skylights, fireplace, ceiling fans, air filters and any other applicable items. Conditions will be verified and deficiencies will be listed in the report. Kitchens and bathrooms will be inspected in a separate category.

The inspection will include an evaluation of the visible portions of the foundation and supports of the dwelling. Foundation type and condition will be documented and deficiencies will be listed as/if discovered.

All mechanicals ie. water heater, boiler/furnace, compressor, air handlers, etc. will be checked for age, manufacturer, proper installation, condition, proper combustion exhaust and return air configuration. Findings will be listed and noted in the inspection report. If a visible oil tank is present it will be checked for condition and leaks.

All visible exterior components will be evaluated. This includes but not limited to the following: exterior wall coverings, window condition, drainage system, exterior faucets, electrical receptacles, decks, patios, tree and vegetation, stairways and handrails, porch, trim, fence and gates, doors, electrical meter and service drop, walkways, retaining walls, etc. Findings will be listed in the inspection report..

Overall condition will be evaluated, photographed and documented. Any deficiencies will be noted in the inspection report.t
Other items may be applicable if present and once again the above summary may expand or decrease based on items present at the dwelling.
Certified Members of NACHI
We are members of the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors and abide by the Internachi Standards of Practice
First Time Home Buyer Friendly
We will walk you through the inspection steps and specialize in making the process smooth and stress-free