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Monthly Archives: July 2021

Why Do You Need Water Quality Inspections?

Why Do You Need Water Quality Inspections?

Know more why you need water quality inspections.   Water is a necessity that needs to be protected. Maybe you have probably been wondering why your water has an odd taste to it. Perhaps you just aren’t sure if your water supply at home is safe for daily use. Without you knowing, your home’s water […]

Celebrate With Us: 400 Google Reviews Achieved

Celebrate With Us

Getting reviews is what businesses appreciate because it helps them navigate how they improve their products and services. In other words, reviews serve as a roadmap for businesses, whether that’s good or bad. As for us, The Inspection Boys, we appreciate every review we get online—to know the pulse of the people. The Inspection Boys […]

What Are the Basic Things You Need to Know About a Home Inspection?

What are the basic things you need to know about a home inspection?

A home inspection is an integral part of the homeownership process, yet many people overlook it mainly because many are not educated about its importance. Others also find it too costly that’s why they opt not to go through it. Finally, some people do not want to complicate the process and want to acquire the […]

How to Organize Your House Renovation?

how to organize your house renovation?

House renovation can be very stressful. It can be complex and challenging. It would take a lot of time, especially if you do not know the process and the major elements needed for a whole-house renovation. So to help you navigate through a house renovation, let’s dig deep and take a look at those things […]

Which Is Your Choice of the House: A Big House or a Small House?

big house or small house

Let’s talk about the choice of the house you want.   In choosing the size of the house to buy, it is so easy to decide to go with the bigger house without really thinking. After all, a big house is almost everyone’s dream, right? But there are things to consider that can help you […]

How Does a Home Inspection Protect You?

how does a home inspection protects you?

A home inspection is hiring a well-trained professional to thoroughly review the home’s essential components such as the structure, roof, foundation, and electrical systems. It usually takes at least a couple of hours.  A home inspection is an integral part of the home buying journey. Through home inspection, you, as the buyer, will have the […]