Inspecting Your Home’s Exterior: Roof, Siding, and Landscaping

Your home’s exterior serves as its primary barrier against the elements. Maintaining it not only protects the interior but also boosts curb appeal and can potentially raise property value. Regular home inspection of your roof, siding, and landscaping can catch minor issues before they escalate into costly problems.

Roof Inspection:

The roof is a vital part of your home’s exterior. Here’s what to check during a home inspection:

  • Shingles: Inspect for cracked, curled, or missing shingles. Granules, the small pebbles on asphalt shingles, provide UV protection. Significant granule loss indicates shingles may need replacing soon.
  • Flashing: Flashing, the thin metal around chimneys, vents, and other roof penetrations, should be sealed properly and free of rust or deterioration.
  • Valleys: Valleys, where two roof planes meet, can accumulate debris that traps moisture, potentially leading to leaks. Keep them clear.
  • Gutters: Check for loose, clogged, or sagging gutters. Clogged gutters can overflow, damaging siding and the foundation.

Siding Inspection:

Different siding materials have specific inspection points. Here’s a general guideline:

  • Wood Siding: Look for signs of rot, warping, or cracks. Peeling paint can indicate moisture damage.
  • Vinyl Siding: Inspect for cracks, dents, or loose panels. While fading is natural, excessive fading might signal a need for replacement.
  • Masonry Siding: Look for cracks in the mortar or loose bricks.
  • Caulking: Check caulking around windows, doors, and other openings. Cracked or missing caulk can allow moisture to penetrate.

Landscaping Inspection:

Landscaping significantly influences foundation protection and drainage. Here’s what to consider during a home inspection:

  • Drainage: Ensure the ground slopes away from the house to prevent water from pooling near the foundation. Look for signs of erosion around the foundation.
  • Trees and Shrubs: Overhanging branches can damage the roof and gutters. Trim branches to keep them at least six feet away from the house.
  • Planting: Avoid planting large shrubs or trees close to the house, as their roots can damage the foundation.

General Tips:

  • Safety First: If you’re uncomfortable with heights, don’t attempt a roof inspection. Hire a professional roofer for a thorough evaluation.
  • Frequency: Conduct visual inspections of your roof and siding twice a year, ideally after significant weather events. Regularly inspect landscaping, especially during periods of heavy rain or drought.
  • Documentation: Take photos of any areas of concern during your home inspection. These will be helpful when contacting a contractor for repairs.
  • Professional Help: Consider hiring professional home inspectors for a comprehensive evaluation, especially if you’re planning to buy or sell a home. Home inspection services can provide detailed reports that might highlight issues you might miss.


Regular home inspections can help you spot minor issues before they become major problems. Maintaining your roof, siding, and landscaping not only saves money in the long run but also ensures your home remains safe and aesthetically pleasing. By addressing potential problems early, you protect your investment and enhance your living environment.


Incorporating regular maintenance and home inspection services into your routine can significantly improve the longevity and appearance of your home. Professional home inspectors have the expertise to identify issues that might not be immediately apparent, providing peace of mind and potentially preventing costly repairs. Whether you are a homeowner or a potential buyer, understanding the importance of regular home inspections and maintenance is crucial for the upkeep and value of your property.