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The National Pest Management Association Wood Destroying Organism Update From The Inspection Boys
Wood Destroying Organism. In July 2019, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) released a newly updated NPMA-33 Wood Destroying Organism Inspection Form. The HUD Mortgage letter 2005-ML-48 demands that wood destroying insect inspections must have the proper documentation of existing property if any of the following circumstances apply:
Customary to the Area: Generally, if your locality is not listed in HUD’s Termite Treatment Exception Area,then the termite inspection reports will be considered customary to the area and therefore they will be a mandatory requirement.
Mandated by the State or Local Jurisdiction: Some states or municipalities require that wood destroying insect inspections must be performed.
Evidence of Active Infestation: Appraisers are objected to observe all areas of the house and other structures/areas within the property’s If any active infestation is identified, the NPMA-33 form must be submitted.
Lender’s Discretion: Conventional lending companies take guidance from HUD. In recent years, more and more lenders are taking a more mindful approach towards lending, which results in more inspections and more reporting requirements.
If any of the above four factors adhere to you, the HUD mandates the usage and submission of the NPMA-33 form unless a state mandatory form is in existence.
On January 1, 2020, all foregoing editions of the NPMA-33 form are here by obsolete and only the current, revised form bearing a revision date of 7/1/2019 should be accepted. The revised form includes, changes in language such as the replacement of the word “defects” with “wood destroying insect damage” in Section II, changing references to treatment in Section III to include other corrective “actions”, revising the seller’s statement to read “Seller discloses to the buyer all information, to their knowledge, regarding W.D.I. infestation, damage, repair, and treatment history”, elimination of the section which notes that the evidence of previous treatment, and revised guidance on when to recommend treatment of the corrective action.
For more information about the NPMA-33 form, including how to purchase hard-copy and digital formats, visit;