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Author Archives: Roi Caturla-Lagahit

DIY Projects You Can Do at Home

DIY Projects you can do at home

While most of us are staying at home, there are some DIY projects you might want to consider doing. Aside from helping you in making your home more beautiful, DIY projects can actually help you in releasing the stress brought about by our current situation.   Here are some DIY projects that you might want […]

How to Stay Mentally Healthy in These Stressful Times?

How to stay mentally healthy in these stressful times?

How to Stay Mentally Healthy. 2020 has been a roller coaster ride for all of us,  especially how everything came in this year. It has caused so much anxiety and paranoia to everyone, especially seeing a lot of people getting sick and dying of COVID-19. In other words, it has been a tough year. In […]

The Natural Ways to Clean Your House Tiles

The Natural Way to clean your house tiles

Houses have different types of flooring. Some homeowners use vinyl, bamboo, hardwood, carpet, but probably the most common is tiles. We use tile, especially for kitchen and bathroom flooring. Aside from floorings, tiles are also used for tabletops, bathroom walls, and others for the exterior, depending on the type of tiles.    As homeowners, you […]

How to Stay Healthy During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

How to stay healthy during the covid-19 pandemic?

COVID-19 Pandemic. Numbers are rising every day, in terms of people getting infected and dying of COVID-19. We have seen it in the news. This pandemic must be taken seriously. We are battling a deadly virus that we cannot see. The worst part is the vaccine yet to be made.  However, we can do something. […]

How to Put Up Safety Measures During the Pandemic?

How to put up safety measures during the pandemic?

COVID-19 has spread like a wildfire all over the world and has already claimed hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide. This isn’t a simple problem but this has affected every one of us in a lot of ways. Many are suffering because of the sickness caused by the coronavirus. For sure, nobody wants to acquire […]

Why Do You Need to Clean Your House?

Why do you need to clean your house?

A clean house is a reflection of one’s life. If one has a clean house, more likely the individual values cleanliness in life. It reflects order and discipline. If a person is organized in thought, it may be reflected in outward actions. It will surely be seen in how your house looks. However, whether you […]

How to make your home child-friendly?

How to make your house child friendly?

Home should be the safest place, not just for you, but most importantly for your children. For sure, as parents, your children are your priority. Their safety is your responsibility. It is out of love that you are prioritizing the safety of your children at home. Seeing them playing around your home safely gives you […]

Google Reviews: The Inspection Boys (Nassau)

Google Reviews: The Inspection Boys

Reviews are always part of businesses to know the pulse of customers who availed your products and services. It is one way to evaluate your products and services’ status and to know whether the feedback is positive or negative. As a business owner, you will know what you need to continue if you are receiving […]

How to Deal With Different Personalities at Home?

How to deal with different personalities at home?

Home is basically where you spend most of your time with the people that you love. Spending time at home with your family is one of the positive things that this pandemic has brought about. With our current work from home set-up, many have the privilege of just staying at home and being with their […]

Tips on Choosing The Right Colors for Your House

Tips on choosing the right colors for your house

Choosing the right colors for your house can be one of the most exciting and fascinating to do in having a new house or renovating a house. The color of the paint that you will be using for your house will surely make a huge difference in how your house will look like. Whether you […]